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Getting Started with Invisalign: What to Expect

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional braces for mild to moderate tooth alignment issues, Invisalign® aligners are a great choice. More than 10 million people worldwide have already chosen Invisalign, and for good reason: Invisalign aligners are clear and removable!

The team at Constant and Contro Orthodontics in Cupertino and Palo Alto, California, specialize in Invisalign treatment, and in this blog, they explain the basics of Inviasin and what you can expect for treatment.

The Invisalign advantage

Plenty of patients choose Invisalign aligners because they’re removable and virtually invisible. However, those aren’t the only benefits. Invisalign aligners also have many other benefits, such as the following:

Invisalign aligners are made of proprietary SmartTrackTM polymer. So, they snap over your teeth and snap off just as easily. As a result, you can eat, brush your teeth, and floss without interference.

Furthermore, because they’re removable, there are no dietary restrictions, which is not the case with conventional braces. With conventional braces, there are a number of foods you shouldn't eat, such as hard and sticky candy, nuts, and hard vegetables. And when it comes to cost, Invisalign compares well with conventional braces in many cases. 

Conditions Invisalign can treat

Invisalign aligners have the same goal as braces, and that’s to move your teeth into preplanned alignment. Invisalign treats a wide range of common bite issues, including:

Invisalign also has add-on features that can accommodate emerging teeth and address more complex alignment concerns.

What to expect from Invisalign treatment

First, we make digital 3-D images of your mouth to get precise models of your teeth. A computer then creates a series of clear, plastic aligners based on your mouth and desired result. Most patients need 18-30 aligners to meet their alignment goals.

You change your aligner trays about every two weeks. Each set has subtle differences in shape and contour, working progressively toward the final positions.

You can swap out the aligners on your own, so you don’t need to visit our office as often as you would need to with traditional braces. Most Invisalign treatments take two years or less.

To learn more about Invisalign and to discuss any of our other orthodontic options, book an appointment online or over the phone with Constant and Contro Orthodontics today.

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